This NIP is not yet in main.
Here is an overview of PRs referencing this NIP.
Update 94 add a d tag to event OPEN @haorendashu
format(all): JSON formatting MERGED @kehiy
NIP-71: `imeta` MERGED @v0l
Removes the `aes-256-gcm` tag from NIP-94 MERGED @vitorpamplona
Add imeta tag MERGED @staab
Remove all NIP authors MERGED @fiatjaf
Add preview and caption tags to nip94 MERGED @arthurfranca
Clarify character case of m tag value MERGED @AsaiToshiya
NIP-94: Add optional 'download' flag OPEN @michaelhall923
NIP-96 - HTTP File Storage Integration MERGED @arthurfranca
Add dim tag to NIP 94 MERGED @staab
Add imeta tag to NIP 94 CLOSED @staab
More Hashing algorithms CLOSED @heri16
explain blurhash clearly in NIP-94 MERGED @vivganes
Implement Markdownlint GitHub action OPEN @mariano-perez-rodriguez
Nip 94 - File Header MERGED @frbitten