This NIP is not yet in main.
Here is an overview of PRs referencing this NIP.
Add private relays to kind 10002 in NIP-65 CLOSED @SilberWitch
format(all): JSON formatting MERGED @kehiy
NIP-65: add link to outbox model article MERGED @AsaiToshiya
NIP-65: rename "Relay List Metadata" to "Outbox model" CLOSED @AsaiToshiya
NIP-65: fix typo MERGED @patrickReiis
Add DM relays to nip 65 CLOSED @staab
NIP-46, NIP-49, NIP-65: fix typos MERGED @AsaiToshiya
update NIP-65: add DM relays, clarify when to use all vs some of a relay kind CLOSED @mikedilger
Remove all NIP authors MERGED @fiatjaf
Fix typo in MERGED @akiomik
NIP-65: Clarify the definitions of terms MERGED @jiftechnify
Update NIP-65 add prioritization (by trust) of list guidelines OPEN @frnandu
65: Normalize relay URIs MERGED @badonyx
65: trim trailing slashes from relay URIs MERGED @badonyx
Private Event CLOSED @arthurfranca
Simplifies NIP-65 MERGED @vitorpamplona
Improved readability of nip 65; added 'dm' CLOSED @mikedilger
Wordsmith CLOSED @git-sgmoore
Fix typos about inline code MERGED @erechorse
Implement Markdownlint GitHub action OPEN @mariano-perez-rodriguez
Markdown improvements, embelishments, and standardizations CLOSED @mariano-perez-rodriguez
Update all NIPs to include 'depends' and 'mentions' tags OPEN @blakejakopovic
More explicit explanation of the meaning of read and write relays MERGED @mikedilger
NIP-65 Relay List Metadata (was Feed Advertisements) MERGED @mikedilger