This NIP is not yet in main.
Here is an overview of PRs referencing this NIP.
format(all): JSON formatting MERGED @kehiy
Add Private Event Kind Range to NIP-42 CLOSED @arthurfranca
Minor NIP-42 Example Update CLOSED @arthurfranca
Adds Protected Events OPEN @vitorpamplona
Add support for proxying AUTH CLOSED @staab
`CLOSED` messages for relays that want to reject REQs and NIP-42 `AUTH` integration MERGED @fiatjaf
NIP-42 - Allow client to ask for the challenge CLOSED @arthurfranca
Remove all NIP authors MERGED @fiatjaf
Clarify NIP-42 flow CLOSED @arthurfranca
Add AUTH third element CLOSED @arthurfranca
Implement Markdownlint GitHub action OPEN @mariano-perez-rodriguez
Markdown improvements, embelishments, and standardizations CLOSED @mariano-perez-rodriguez
Update all NIPs to include 'depends' and 'mentions' tags OPEN @blakejakopovic
add nip-42: authentication MERGED @fiatjaf
NIP-42 - External Embed Sizes CLOSED @deanpress