This NIP is not yet in main. Here is an overview of PRs referencing this NIP.
nip29: support for unmanaged groups, top-level relay-local groups and invite codes OPEN @fiatjaf
Simplify nip 29 even further CLOSED @staab
nip-29: restriction for _id_ OPEN @kehiy
nip-29: human-readable, url friendly group names. OPEN @kehiy
format(all): JSON formatting MERGED @kehiy
Revert "rename "parameterized replaceable event" to "addressable event"" OPEN @fernandolguevara
Nip29 enhancements MERGED @sepehr-safari
rename "parameterized replaceable event" to "addressable event" MERGED @fiatjaf
Update language around kind 11 and kind 12 removing microblog and rep… OPEN @ismyhc
nip29: create-group event kind MERGED @fiatjaf
rename "parameterized replaceable event" to "tagged-replaceable event" CLOSED @fiatjaf
NIP-29: Pin Messages OPEN @sepehr-safari
NIP-92: add to NIPs list, improve preamble phrasing MERGED @alexgleason
Shared Event Ownership through DVMs OPEN @vitorpamplona
Add imeta tag MERGED @staab
NIP-29: Simple time-based Sync OPEN @vitorpamplona
NIP-29: Simple Groups MERGED @fiatjaf
NIP-29 Bookmarks CLOSED @plantimals