This NIP is not yet in main.
Here is an overview of PRs referencing this NIP.
Clarify quote reposts MERGED @staab
Simplify nip 29 even further CLOSED @staab
nip18: do not set content of repost event OPEN @mattn
Mark Key NIPs for Social Feeds as `final` OPEN @buttercat1791
Use `q` instead of `e` tags for quote reposts MERGED @jb55
Remove all NIP authors MERGED @fiatjaf
Kind 16 generic reposts MERGED @fiatjaf
Update for reposting parameterized replaceable events CLOSED @digi-monkey
Implement Markdownlint GitHub action OPEN @mariano-perez-rodriguez
Markdown improvements, embelishments, and standardizations CLOSED @mariano-perez-rodriguez
Maybe bring back NIP-18 MERGED @arthurfranca
NIP18: Reposts MERGED @fiatjaf
private dm events CLOSED @Giszmo